How to Quickly Unpack Your Stuff After Moving

Moving is a lot of work, and when you get to your new place, you might be tired enough that unpacking doesn’t sound like fun. But since you must, you might as well do it as quickly and efficiently as possible. When you pull up the driveway to your new place, just remind yourself that you’re already over halfway done with your move, and then use these tips to make unpacking as quick as possible.

1. Pack Efficiently

Yes, this is technically a packing tip, but effective unpacking starts with smart packing before you even leave your old house or apartment. There are several things Cheap Movers KC ( suggests that you should do leading up to the big move to ensure that unpacking is simple, including:

  • Clear out clutter: Get rid of everything that you haven’t used in years.
  • Label boxes by room: Each box should have a label that indicates where each box goes.
  • Pack the truck efficiently and safely: Unloading the truck will be much easier if you packed the truck efficiently and everything arrives intact.

2. Know How You’ll Arrange Furniture Before You Move

A little bit of forethought can save you hours later. If you have a general idea of how you want to arrange the furniture in each room, you’ll already know where you should put your boxes so that you don’t have to move them twice when you’re trying to find a place for the furniture. Take measurements of your new place before moving day, then put them into a free home design app.

3. Organize by Rooms

It’s important to label boxes on the outside so that you can quickly determine where each of the boxes should go in the house when unpacking. Look at the label, then put each box directly into the appropriate room, organizing them all in one corner or against one wall so that you have plenty of room for furniture.

4. Create a System

When you want to unpack efficiently, using a clear system that you communicate to your family, friends, and anyone else who’s helping you move will make the job go much more smoothly. Everyone should have a job that they stick to until it’s done. For instance, you will likely want two strong adults or teenagers moving the furniture if you don’t have movers helping you. You should also aim to get everything out of the truck before anyone starts reassembling the electronics center in the family room or unpacking their clothes. You should also unpack rooms in order of most essential to least essential. For instance, bathrooms should be one of the first areas to unpack, and the garage should be one of the last.

5. Reward and Motivate Yourself and Your Family

Moving day is usually long, and by dinner time, everyone is tired and hungry. Try to keep yourself and your family motivated until the end. It’s very possible to finish unpacking in one day, and you’ll be thankful when everything is organized and easy to find. Have set meal and snack times so that everyone is cared for throughout the process. You should also have plenty of drinks on hand so that staying hydrated is easy. Skip the alcohol, though; it can make you drowsy, which will only prolong the amount of time that it takes to unpack everything.

It doesn’t need to take a week to unpack most houses. In fact, you want your house to be fairly functional within a couple of hours. Have absolute essentials packed so that they’re available within a half an hour of pulling up the driveway. Also, set a realistic but possible timeline so that you can measure your progress and stay on track.

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